a copy of a copy

thought mashups from garret shelsta

Combining thoughts copied from other places

Director of grow students at stuff you can use

Bellingham, Wa

Thought Mashup 1/4: The theology of a pouty lightening bolt in the wake of a crucified candidate with a sprained ankle.

I realized that I needed an outlet…

I love talking about pop-culture and theology and ideas. So I started posting ideas about all of these things up on my instagram … I would then do what any person cultured by social media does, check comments every 15 mins and then spend way to much time responding to comments. It wasn’t doing what I hoped for. 

For the record, Instagram and Facebook are an awful place to work out theology. 

So, I decided to give this a go again… I am going to try to be regular about it (like 1-2 times a week). 

I am going to post things that I think are interesting in the books I am reading. Thoughts about Theology, pop-culture, the Denver Broncos, Chelsea, current events and church. Basically all the things I like to think about. Most of them won’t be all that well thought out. They are mainly thoughts just tossed out there for the internet to comment on or say it is stupid or just let wash into the general white noise of the internet. Or maybe generate some dialog. 

so here we go... 

Theological musing of the day. 

The navigation of politics and Jesus has often times been messy (which may be the largest understatement I have ever written). One observation I have made thus far in my 2.5 years pastoring in Whatcom County is that in our neck of the woods, the conversation about how Jesus followers engage in cultural or political discourse is mainly concerned about existing dominant narratives (i.e. Conservative or Progressive). This is just another way to say that Jesus followers in our county are continually divided among to distinct cultures. There is something to be said that Jesus called people from distantly different cultures (while allowing them to maintain their particularity) to follow him under the banner of the coming rule, reign or Kingdom of God. as we approach this already exhausting national political conversation, I thought it would be an interesting to try to embody this notion of followers of Christ being gathering under the banner of the kingdom. This a specific way we can act... when we hear topics being debated we can ask ourselves a simple questions to help direct our dialog: If we were to see the debated issue in our local community… how would I organize a thoroughly Christian response to be embodied in my culturally diverse faith community to address that issue. Now this may be able to worked out on a national policy level but I have a hunch that most of the time it won’t. And most of the time national voices, on either side of the polemic, would have no use for how Jesus would address issues like refugees, or race or acts of terror. For it was when Jesus was hoisted up as the great political messiah that instead of getting him enthroned to the office King of Israel, the crowd turned on him and his ideas and crucified him. And last time I checked being publicly executed isn’t exactly the best way to get elected.  

Song of the day.

I can’t stop listening to this album. 


Picture of the day.

I just can't get over the fact that this is the face that Phillip Rivers made when Peyton came back in... I love it so much. 

Things I am Thankful for that I think you will be too.

Right now a lot is happening in life and at times it feels slightly overwhelming. I can't remember who (it was probably my Mom), but someone told that when I was feeling overwhelmed to take time and write down what I am thankful for. Somehow being thankful for stuff helps. I am skeptical about this but as my friend Brian says, "I will try anything twice."

Thankfulness item 1:  Creative Community

I was thankful when I watched this music video this week. 

My friend Dave is the creative force behind a boy and his kite. For years I got to sit beside Dave on staff at our church in Boulder, CO. He is one of the most gentle dudes with a heart of fire that I ever had a chance to meet. I think it is incredible I got to be in a worship space with a dude who writes some of the most incredible music. Here is another video of him, Tifah (from Page CXVI) and Cameron (all around B.A. violinist) making beautiful noises. I get so pumped when acts of creativity spur on more beauty. I needed to be reminded of that this week. 

Thankfulness Item 2: Formative Community 

Every morning my wife has been putting on music written by people from our community in Colorado. The songs that really stick with me were written by my friends Karla and Aaron.  I found my self praying those songs this week as things seemed overwhelming. 

These first two things are tied together. My wife, Aubrey, and I talked about this a few times this week that we can't believe we spent time in a community with people who wrote music that was so incredible and formative to the way we understand and experience our good God. If you have any opportunity please go and pick up Aaron's,  Karla's, Dave's, and the 4th Circle record (you can also on listen to them on spotify) they helped form my heart and I am so thankful for them. 

Thankfulness Item 3: Undeserved Support

I help facilitate a ministry called Ekklesia which is the college and young adults ministry of Christ the King Church. We recently purchased a building in downtown Bellingham and are in the process of remodeling it. There 2 things that blow me away about this. 

1. I have only been here one year and our previously mobile ministry now has its own building. 

2. We have had more than 30 volunteers, most of which I didn't know personally, come help support the work. 

The support and belief that people have in what we are doing for young adults in Whatcom county is not because of any sort of sustained track record I have in the city, but rather because of the people that have vouched for me and sustained the work before me. Because of this, I am very aware  that support of the CTK and faithful service of those before me are both true gifts which I am so incredibly thankful for. 

I can't wait for the Ekklesia people to experience this new location. It is going to be incredible. 

I guess all in all I am so thankful for the Community of God... in all locations. 

Thanks mom... This did work... I am not as overwhelmed anymore.